Use of driving simulators

FahrsimulatorSince MOVING is very interested in new methods of teaching for young drivers and ways to integrate new technology in their education, we commissioned a study on the subject of the use of driving simulators in driving schools. The study was carried out by the Institut für Automobilwirtschaft (Institute for Automotive Industry) and presented at the CIECA Congress in Madrid in summer.


Today, driving schools are faced with decreasing number of students and increased competition. Our study aimed to find out if the use of driving simulators could be a possible solution to those problems. We found that while the products vary extensively in their quality, higher range products can provide professional and high quality training. They cannot replace the instructor or driving lessons in a real car, but they can help reduce fear of traffic and convey routines. The study also showed that interest in the technology is present with driving students (72% say they would be ready to take some simulator lessons) and schools (49% say they are currently considering investing in a simulator).

Our results indicated that both students and instructors can benefit from the use of simulator. Main advantages for the students are slightly lower costs, a faster completion of the driver’s education, a lower number of ‘real’ practice lessons and most of all, significantly lower failure rates in exams. Driving schools can profit from more availabilities of their driving instructors and the advertising effect. If the increased capacity and advertisement potential are used to acquire more students, the use of a simulator can increase their operating results by up to 17%.



Here you can download the study (only in German) with filling in your email address.



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