arge AB 21

looking ahead


Introducing an arge AB 21 (stands for Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ausbildung im 21. Jahrhundert) in Germany shall significantly contribute to the reduction of the number of annual fatal road accidents across Germany and internationally. “Arge” is a German abbreviation for working group. “AB” is an abbreviation for the German word “Ausbildung” – meaning education.

In the “Rahmenkonzept zur Weiterentwicklung der Fahranfängervorbereitung in Deutschland”, the final report of a BASt expert group on preparation of novice drivers (Fahranfängervorbereitung) dating from July 2012, in chapter 3.6, it states as follows:


BASt-Rahmenkonzept FAV – Auszug Schlussfassung (extract in German), 13th July 2012


arge AB 21


The focus of such an institution will be to promote education and accident prevention in the areas of road safety and traffic education, along with the associated professional driving training, the driving instructor training as well as the driving licence exam in Germany and worldwide. Since 1999 there exists a permanent working group on driving testing, the TÜV | DEKRA arge tp 21 located in Dresden.

Working Group Education in the 21st Century/arge AB 21 – 12-2012