2024 |
Month | Location | Titel |
February | Online | CIECA WEBINAR SERIES – Driver trainer for shifting manual transmissions . Study conducted by MOVING |
January | Goslar | 62. German Traffic Court Conference |
January | Online | CIECA WEBINAR SERIES: Advanced clinical assessment of driving abilities with a driving simulator |
2023 |
Month | Location | Titel |
December | Online | CIECA WEBINAR SERIES: Is the education of driver instructors in Norway in line with the technological development? |
November | Online | ETSC Online Event – Improving Road Safety for Older People in Europe |
November | Online | CIECA WEBINAR: Hazard Perception in the Digital Age: Investigating Online Hazard Perception Assessment |
November | November | Driving instructor congress in Berlin |
October | Hannover | BAGFA General Assembly |
October | Online | IRU Workshop: What’s working? Attracting more women and young people to trucking |
October | Brussels | ETSC Main Council |
October | Brussels | ETSC: Safety Challenges in Road Vehicle Automation |
October | Berlin | CIECA ETG Meeting |
October | Online | CIECA WEBINAR SERIES: Presentation of the project LET’S LEARN TO SURVIVE, winner of the 1st CIECA Award for the Best Road Safety Initiative in 2022 |
May | Online | CIECA and EReg joint event on the Fourth Driving Licence Directive |
March | Online | CIECA WEBINAR SERIES: Remote Interpretation Service for Theory Driving Test – A proactive solution to a persistent and challenging need |
February | Online | CIECA WEBINAR SERIES: • DVSA’s Enhanced Rider Scheme (ERS) – Improving rider safety beyond test. |
January | Goslar | 61. German Traffic Court Conference |
January | Online | CIECA WEBINAR SERIES: Driving data for examination: A proof of concept in the Netherlands |
2022 | ||
Month | Location | Titel |
November | Munich | CIECA 2nd EDUCATION WORKSHOP: The use of simulators in driver training, Munich (Germany) |
October | Brussels | ETSC Main Council Meeting |
October | Brussels | Excellence in Road Safety Awards 2022 |
October | Dortmund | Symposium “Driving school and professional driver” in Dortmund |
October | Online | CIECA WEBINAR SERIES: The new driver licencing system in Georgia: Gaining and sharing experiences |
October | Online | CIECA WEBINAR SERIES: Does driving competence correlates to driving style in Lithuanian professional and non-professional drivers’ sample? |
September | Berlin | TÜV Fit to Drive Conference |
September | Berlin | TÜV Sustainability Conference |
September | Online | IRU: Decarbonisation: At the crux of politics, technology, operations and alternatives |
September | Online | ETSC: European Traffic Education Seminar, Hybrid (Online/Madrid) |
September | Brüssel | DEKRA: Welcome back to Brussels |
September | Berlin | DEKRA Sommerfest |
June | Naples | 54th CIECA Congress, Naples (Italy) |
June | Online | IRU RoadMasters Forum |
June | Online | IRU: Fit for 55: The Road Ahead |
May | Berlin | TÜV Mobility Conference 2022 |
April | Online | CIECA WEBINAR: Human error in motorcycle crashes: a methodology to identify skills needed and support training interventions |
April | Online | EAG Webinar: Response to EC Public Consultation on training, testing, and vehicle categories. |
March | Online | DLE ROUND TABLE: Response to EC Public Consultation on Driving Licence issuance and mutual recognition |
March | Online | FTD Round Table: Response to EC Public Consultation on fit to drive issues |
March | Online | CIECA Webinar: E-scooters crashes in Belgium |
March | Online | CIECA: Hazard Perception Test in Flanders |
February | Online | CIECA: Risk Perception Test – Auto Sécurité |
January | Online | CIECA WEBINAR: Improving the quality of theory testing |
January | Online | TÜV® MeetUp: „Koalitionsvertrag im Klimacheck“ |
2021 |
Date | Location | Titel |
December | Online | CIECA WEBINAR: Vision and driving: The importance of visual health for safe driving |
December | Online | London EV Show: London EV Show |
November | Online | CIECA WEBINAR: Views on data-driven assessment of test candidates |
November | Online | CIECA WEBINAR – Impact and challenges of automation on driver training and testing |
November | Berlin | 8. Driving instructor congress in Berlin |
October | Online | ETSC Online Event – Reducing Road Deaths among Young People |
October | Online | TÜV® AI Conference |
October | Online | CIECA WEBINAR SERIES: Practical testing of AM candidates – Recent research results |
October | Online | Presentation CIECA Activities 2021 – 2022 & CIECA Congress (Naples, 2022) |
June | Online | TÜV® MeetUp: „Zukunft der urbanen Mobilität“ |
Maiý | Online | 1. MOVING Online seminar on Corona financial aid for driving schools |
May | Online |
CIECA – ROUND TABLE on Driver Licence Exchange
April | Online |
CIECA ETG Webinar Young drivers: Effective communication for the development of responsible young drivers
April | Online |
ETSC Online event – Are Medical Fitness to Drive Procedures Fit for Purpose?
April | Online |
CIECA ETG WEBINAR: Young drivers: Driving without a licence/ MOVING presentation
April | Online |
The third European Conference on Connected and Automated Driving
April | Online |
EU Road Safety Results Conference
March | Online |
CIECA – ROUND TABLE: The use of simulators in training and testing -Latest developments and experiences
February | Online |
ETG WEBINAR: ADAS and automated driving in driver education
February | Online |
TAG WEBINAR: The Theory Test in times of pandemic
January | Online |
ETG Webinar: New learning methods for driving education
2020 |
Month | Location | Titel |
Oktober | Online | 1. MOVING Webkoferenz |
February | Stockholm, Sweden | 3. Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety |
February | Munich, Germany | Verkehrs Rundschau-Gala |
February | Bonn, Germany | Treffen des BMVI zur Überarbeitung der 3. EU-Führerscheinrichtlinie |
January | Goslar, Germany | 58. German Traffic Court Conference |
January | Miesbach, Germany | Treffen des Fahrlehrerverbandes Bayern, Miesbach |
January | Berlin, Germany | ADAC Expertengespräch „Fahranfängerin der Probezeit: Mehr Sicherheit durch einen verlängerten Lernzeitraum?“ |
2019 |
Month | Location | Titel |
November | Göttingen, Germany | BVF Symposium: Zukunft Fahrschule |
November | Bonn, Germany | Round Table: Runder Tisch zur Umsetzung der BKF-Richtlinie |
November | Berlin, Germany | Parlamentarisches Frühstück: „Online-Fahrschule – was bringt Digitalisierung im Fahrschulwesen?“ |
Oktober | Paris, France | EAG Workshop: ADAS and their direct impact on the practical test |
Oktober | Dortmund, Germany | BKF-Symposium: „Fahrer.Weiter.Bilden“ |
September | Berlin, Germany | 5. MOVING Expertenforum: “Möglichkeiten und Grenzen neuer Antriebsformen für Fahrschulen” |
June | Bad Duerkheim, Germany | BVF-Mitgliederversammlung |
June | Brussels, Berlgium | The 13th ETSC’s annual Road Safety PIN conferencce |
June | Berlin. Germany | Politisches Sommerfest des VdTÜV |
June | Berlin, Germany | DVR Fachsymposium |
May | Schwielowsee, Germany | 1. MOVING Fahrschulforum |
May | Kremmen, Germany | Fachtagung „Qualitätssicherung in Bildungsinstitutionen – von der KITA bis zur Fahrschule” |
April | Barcelona, Spain | CIECA Workshop |
March | Brussels, Berlgieum | ESTC Main Council |
March | Bukarest, Romania | International Road Safety Conference |
February | Kassel, Germany | MOVING/BAGFA Symposium – Fahrlehrerausbildung im Lichte der Reform |
February | Treuchtlingen, Germany | 7. Klasse CE/DE Symposium |
January | Gosslar, Germany | 57. Deutscher Verkehrsgerichtstag |