
Month Location Titel
February Online CIECA WEBINAR SERIES – Driver trainer for shifting manual transmissions . Study conducted by MOVING
January Goslar 62. German Traffic Court Conference
January Online CIECA WEBINAR SERIES: Advanced clinical assessment of driving abilities with a driving simulator


Month Location Titel
December Online CIECA WEBINAR SERIES: Is the education of driver instructors in Norway in line with the technological development?
November Online ETSC Online Event – Improving Road Safety for Older People in Europe
November Online CIECA WEBINAR: Hazard Perception in the Digital Age: Investigating Online Hazard Perception Assessment
November November Driving instructor congress in Berlin
October Hannover BAGFA General Assembly
October Online IRU Workshop: What’s working? Attracting more women and young people to trucking
October Brussels ETSC Main Council
October Brussels ETSC: Safety Challenges in Road Vehicle Automation
October Berlin CIECA ETG Meeting
October Online CIECA WEBINAR SERIES: Presentation of the project LET’S LEARN TO SURVIVE, winner of the 1st CIECA Award for the Best Road Safety Initiative in 2022
May Online CIECA and EReg joint event on the Fourth Driving Licence Directive
March Online CIECA WEBINAR SERIES: Remote Interpretation Service for Theory Driving Test – A proactive solution to a persistent and challenging need
February Online CIECA WEBINAR SERIES: • DVSA’s Enhanced Rider Scheme (ERS) – Improving rider safety beyond test.
January Goslar 61. German Traffic Court Conference
January Online CIECA WEBINAR SERIES: Driving data for examination: A proof of concept in the Netherlands


Month Location Titel
November Munich CIECA 2nd EDUCATION WORKSHOP: The use of simulators in driver training, Munich (Germany)
October Brussels ETSC Main Council Meeting
October Brussels Excellence in Road Safety Awards 2022
October Dortmund Symposium “Driving school and professional driver” in Dortmund
October Online CIECA WEBINAR SERIES: The new driver licencing system in Georgia: Gaining and sharing experiences
October Online CIECA WEBINAR SERIES: Does driving competence correlates to driving style in Lithuanian professional and non-professional drivers’ sample?
September Berlin TÜV Fit to Drive Conference
September Berlin TÜV Sustainability Conference
September Online IRU: Decarbonisation: At the crux of politics, technology, operations and alternatives
September Online ETSC: European Traffic Education Seminar, Hybrid (Online/Madrid)
September Brüssel DEKRA: Welcome back to Brussels
September Berlin DEKRA Sommerfest
June Naples 54th CIECA Congress, Naples (Italy)
June Online IRU RoadMasters Forum
June Online IRU: Fit for 55: The Road Ahead
May Berlin TÜV Mobility Conference 2022
April Online CIECA WEBINAR: Human error in motorcycle crashes: a methodology to identify skills needed and support training interventions
April Online EAG Webinar: Response to EC Public Consultation on training, testing, and vehicle categories.
March Online DLE ROUND TABLE: Response to EC Public Consultation on Driving Licence issuance and mutual recognition
March Online FTD Round Table: Response to EC Public Consultation on fit to drive issues
March Online CIECA Webinar: E-scooters crashes in Belgium
March Online CIECA: Hazard Perception Test in Flanders
February Online CIECA: Risk Perception Test – Auto Sécurité
January Online CIECA WEBINAR: Improving the quality of theory testing
January Online TÜV® MeetUp: „Koalitionsvertrag im Klimacheck“


Date Location Titel
December Online CIECA WEBINAR: Vision and driving: The importance of visual health for safe driving
December Online London EV Show: London EV Show
November Online CIECA WEBINAR: Views on data-driven assessment of test candidates
November Online CIECA WEBINAR – Impact and challenges of automation on driver training and testing
November Berlin 8. Driving instructor congress in Berlin
October Online ETSC Online Event – Reducing Road Deaths among Young People
October Online TÜV® AI Conference
October Online CIECA WEBINAR SERIES: Practical testing of AM candidates – Recent research results
October Online Presentation CIECA Activities 2021 – 2022 & CIECA Congress (Naples, 2022)
June Online TÜV® MeetUp: „Zukunft der urbanen Mobilität“
Maiý Online 1. MOVING Online seminar on Corona financial aid for driving schools
May Online
CIECA – ROUND TABLE on Driver Licence Exchange
April Online
CIECA ETG Webinar Young drivers: Effective communication for the development of responsible young drivers
April Online
ETSC Online event – Are Medical Fitness to Drive Procedures Fit for Purpose?
April Online
CIECA ETG WEBINAR: Young drivers: Driving without a licence/ MOVING presentation
April Online
The third European Conference on Connected and Automated Driving 
April Online
EU Road Safety Results Conference
March Online
CIECA – ROUND TABLE: The use of simulators in training and testing -Latest developments and experiences
February Online
ETG WEBINAR: ADAS and automated driving in driver education
February Online
TAG WEBINAR: The Theory Test in times of pandemic
January Online
ETG Webinar: New learning methods for driving education



Month Location Titel
Oktober Online 1. MOVING Webkoferenz
February Stockholm, Sweden 3. Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety
February Munich, Germany Verkehrs Rundschau-Gala
February Bonn, Germany Treffen des BMVI zur Überarbeitung der 3. EU-Führerscheinrichtlinie
January Goslar, Germany 58. German Traffic Court Conference
January Miesbach, Germany Treffen des Fahrlehrerverbandes Bayern, Miesbach
January Berlin, Germany ADAC Expertengespräch „Fahranfängerin der Probezeit: Mehr Sicherheit durch einen verlängerten Lernzeitraum?“



Month Location Titel
November Göttingen, Germany BVF Symposium: Zukunft Fahrschule
November Bonn, Germany Round Table: Runder Tisch zur Umsetzung der BKF-Richtlinie
November Berlin, Germany Parlamentarisches Frühstück: „Online-Fahrschule – was bringt Digitalisierung im Fahrschulwesen?“
Oktober Paris, France EAG Workshop: ADAS and their direct impact on the practical test
Oktober Dortmund, Germany BKF-Symposium: „Fahrer.Weiter.Bilden“
September Berlin, Germany 5. MOVING Expertenforum: “Möglichkeiten und Grenzen neuer Antriebsformen für Fahrschulen”
June Bad Duerkheim, Germany BVF-Mitgliederversammlung
June Brussels, Berlgium The 13th ETSC’s annual Road Safety PIN conferencce
June Berlin. Germany Politisches Sommerfest des VdTÜV
June Berlin, Germany DVR Fachsymposium
May Schwielowsee, Germany 1. MOVING Fahrschulforum
May Kremmen, Germany Fachtagung „Qualitätssicherung in Bildungsinstitutionen – von der KITA bis zur Fahrschule”
April Barcelona, Spain CIECA Workshop
March Brussels, Berlgieum ESTC Main Council
March Bukarest, Romania International Road Safety Conference
February Kassel, Germany MOVING/BAGFA Symposium – Fahrlehrerausbildung im Lichte der Reform
February Treuchtlingen, Germany 7. Klasse CE/DE Symposium
January Gosslar, Germany 57. Deutscher Verkehrsgerichtstag