Professional Drivers

In close cooperation with the German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development MOVING organised a series of meetings about German professional drivers (BKF) legislation. Representatives from professional organisations have the possibility to meet with representatives from the federal and regional ministries and authorities as well as representatives from the regional chambers of commerce to discuss challenges and latest developments. About 40 experts participated in the first meeting that took place in September 2012 in Berlin.



Participants of the 1st meeting September 2012 (TÜV NORD Akademie, Berlin)



Übergabe der Empfehlungen der ad hoc-AG BKF an Dorothee Bär, Parl. Staatssekretärin im Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur
v.l. Frank Huster (DSLV), Antje Janßen (MOVING), Gerhard von Bressensdorf (BVF), Dorothee Bär (BMVI), Heike Lüben (ADAC), Jörg-Michael Satz (MOVING), Martina Ruprecht (BDFU), Ralf Vennefrohne (Springer Fachmedien München GmbH)


In 2014 the recommendations have been handed over to the Ministry of Transport.
1st meeting in Berlin (14th September 2012)

2nd meeting in Cologne (17th January 2013) – In addition to German participants representatives from Austria and Spain were invited to give a short report about their experiences in the field of professional drivers.

3rd meeting in Munich (4th June 2013)

4th meeting in Berlin (5th November 2013)

5th meeting in Berlin (23rd April 2015)

6th meeting in Munich (planned for September 2016)